Too many people categorize things. They see an oak tree instead of a beautiful shape that just happens to be called an oak tree. If you label everything you photograph, your pictures will suffer. If your goal is to photograph an “oak tree”, you’ll create a snapshot of an oak tree, a document that can be used for reference. But a documentary snapshot has no emotion or feeling. It doesn’t convey a mood to the viewer.

“I see no reason for recording the obvious.”  Edward Weston

To create a wonderful photograph, you’ve got to look beyond the label and see what’s in front of you.

What excites you about the thing called an oak? Is if the curve of the trunk, the delicate shapes that make up the root system, the intricate filigree of branches, or perhaps a pattern of leaves in the tree. Instead of snapping a picture of a tree, slow down and really see what’s in front of you. Find out what excites you about the thing called an oak, and you have the basis for your photograph, or perhaps several photographs. When you can envision one or more images in your mind’s eye, you’ll know which camera settings to use, which lens to use, and which vantage point to shoot from to properly convey the feeling that compelled you to stop and take a picture. You’ll also know how to process the image in your favorite image-editing application to convey the mood to your viewers. See beyond the label and you’ll create better photographs.

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