Lensbaby Video

Lensbaby is also a great tool for video. The following video of Selby Gardens in Sarasota, Florida was created using the Lensbaby Soft Focus optic.   Koi Pond from Doug Sahlin on Vimeo.

Rainy Day Photography

It’s your day off. Your plan was to spend the afternoon photographing landscapes and wildlife in a state park. But Mother Nature rains on your parade. Literally. When that happens you need to drop back ten and punt, or you need a good Plan B. Best Plan B I know of is...

Learn From Your Mistakes

Photography is an art form. When you create wonderful images, photography is very rewarding. It can also be frustrating. Henri Cartier-Bresson said, “Your first 10,000 photos are your worst.” That wisdom implies there is a learning curve to photography. There is. The...
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