Henri Cartier-Bresson waxed poetic about the decisive moment. The decisive moment is that split second of action that defines the situation. If you capture the decisive moment, you create a compelling image. The decisive moment is not luck. And it is more than being in the right place at the right time. To capture the decisive moment, you have to be alert, or in the moment. When you see action unfolding, you use instinct, and luck to capture an image at the decisive moment. Granted it’s easier in this day and age with cameras that can capture several frames per second.

But you still need to be prepared. Choose a spot where action will unfold. This might be a street corner when photographing people, or behind a tree when photographing wildlife. Choose the right lens for the situation. In most cases that will be a telephoto lens so you can get close to the action. Then all you have to do is wait, anticipate the decisive moment, and press the shutter button. 

The following image was created with a Tamron 200-500mm zoom lens at f/2.8. Cast net fishermen discarded their unwanted fish, which created a feeding frenzy. I waited till this brute clambered up the bank and opened his gaping mouth.

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