Henri Cartier Bresson was a master street photographer. Many of his iconic shots were taken at the Decisive Moment, the moment of peak action. He was a master at interpreting when the Decisive Moment would occur. But I’m sure the location was integral in capturing great photographs. And I’m sure Henri was patient and waited for the action to occur.

New York photographer Jay Maisel has a mantra that I heed when I want to capture great candid photographs of people in places I visit. “Find the stage and the actors will come.” The next time you want some great photographs of people in the city or town in which you live or are visiting, find a great location and wait. Interesting people will come and go. All you have to do is be patient and be ready when the Decisive Moment occurs.


Street photography

OK. Where did I park?

Street photography

Exit stage right

Street photography

Obedient Alley Cat

Street photography

Strumming for loose change.

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